Is coding organization really important in Programming?

Stop and think: are you an organized person? Or are you one of those people who come home and throw their shoes one way, their shirt another, and when they go out, they can't find that favorite pair of socks? Usually, the same organization of personal life is taken to professional life, so your code will have the same reflection. In software development, the organization of files is essential.


I have been working on a Brridge Group in a Project called Trrader. One of my recent tasks was to connect the Binance API and show the price of the Bitcoin pair in US Dollars (BTCUSD) on the screen in real time.

One day, I was working together with one of the team members, Sergio Silva, to find an error in the code, but we were not successful. After a few tries, we realized that it was necessary to stop organizing the folders and restructure the code.

After this organization, the code was easier to be understood, we were able to visualize the error and make the code work. You can see the code working using the QR code below:

API show the price Bicoin-USD the screen in real time..png

After that, I asked the group about the importance of organizing a code. According to Brridge mentor, Aderson Oliveira,

the same way as it is important to organize your ideas when you are writing an email, an essay, a letter, or anything else to make your ideas clear; it is also important to organize your code. A messy code will reflect badly on the person who wrote it.

According to Ashwin Samtani, Senior Plataform Engineer,

a good code organization makes easier to read and maintain a code. Your team might end up unnecessarily re-writing code just because it wasn't organized properly.

As we are developing a Full Stack project using React, I found the article “15 React Best Practices You Need to Follow in 2021”, ( ).

I selected some of these tips:

  • Keep components small and function-specific.

  • Reusability is important, so keep creation of new components to the minimum required.

  • Comment only where necessary.

  • Name the component after the function.

  • All files related to any one component should be in a single folder.

Developing a web page is not an art that everyone can do in their own way. When we are working in a team this becomes even more difficult because everyone has their own way to organize and write the code.

I believe that when starting a project, it is necessary to have a clear structure, standards and conventions that will be used in the code to make it more readable, making life easier for the development team, offering higher quality, reducing time and costs.

You'll have a hard time finding bugs or maintaining it if you don't code in a simple, clear, organized way, and take care to add comments. Programming well and programming poorly are the same work in writing, but in the alteration, those who don't follow the basic rules will have a lot more work. What do you prefer?